
Here are some examples of how FeedWelder can be used to curate fresh content for your site.

To see more examples, download our Easy RSS Mashups guide!  ——–>

Easy RSS Mashups: Five ideas for curating content into your web site without writing code

Table of contents
Introduction: Why Create RSS Mashups?

Part I: Five Ideas
1. Save search results and dynamically display them in your site
2. Embed book lists in your website: Worldcat, Goodreads.
3. Combine image feeds from photo-sharing sites: Picassa, Flickr, Pinterest.
4. Combine video feeds to use in your website: Internet Archive, YouTube, TEDTalks.
5. Combine news feeds from the best blogs on a topic.

Part II: Recommended Mashup Tools
6. Free tools: pros & cons
7. Subscription tool: FeedWelder